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Politechnika Rzeszowska (Technical University of Rzeszów)
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7 years ago


yes, we know henrique
greeeeaaat! i love this video (like everyone vtn's videos;) music is great!
nothing special for me... but it's nice NightFox that you are making so much videos;) is it true that Gruszka won't play for Ankara anymore?
If Cuneo won with Belgogrod, thay will win with Moscow too.
Skra vs Zenit - that is great, i think no one from us know who will win this, that are 2 great teams!
Jastrzębie - Maasek - i don't know how Noliko plays, so i can't say who is favourite...
Idea for a movie 13 years ago 0
somebody sholud do new movie about Miljković. Nagor's idea is very interesting thing.or maybe something like highlights from Polish players/national team? somethink, like you vtn made about USA NT.
in my opinion there isn't too much Bałchatów's action. they won so they deserved to have more actions than other teams. the video and music are great, i can give only 5!
jak wicemistrz Polski może przegrac z wicemistrzem Niemiec? co jest do cholery z tym zespołem? szczerze to ja się nie zdziwię, jak nie zajmą 7 miejsca...
what are you talking about Revan? he will leave Fenerbahce and play in weak Roma?! don't believe...
Polish Cup 2011 Highlights 13 years ago +2
jak to mawiają, "nadzieja matką głupich". tak, jestem głupi, miałem nadzieję na chociaż jedną akcję Resovii.
on polish site i read that he saw a list of player who will play in World League and there wasn't his name. Aleksiej said that he want to play i NT and he want to play in the Olympics, but probably Alekno don't want him in your NT.
here you've got it. if you want to translate use GOOGLE CHROME or something?
does Wijsmans plays in Belgium NT? he is very good player.
Artur Augustyn 13 years ago +2
raylight, rather not. he has cancer(but i think he will recover) and there are other, better middle blockers in Poland.
kisforkate, it doesn't matter if they played. they should not to play 2 years in NT and that's all, they can play in others NTs. in Poland we have same situation with Aleh Akhrem, who is Belarussian, but he has Polish passport now and it's propably that he will play in our NT(he played in Belarussian NT in 2010 last time).
he didn't played well, because he was injured (twisted ankle?) and Roman Yakovlev played very good so Połtawski didn't play much. i know also that coach Bagnoli prefered Cheremisin(but first marihuana, after that injury). Semen is 30 years old now. he isn't so old. Miljković is 32 and Stanley is 33 but they are playing well all the time. but if we are talking about Butko and Pawłow in National Team - i heard that they both can't play in NT because thay are Belarusian, and only one foreigner can play in Russian NT. i don't know is it true, i only read that somewhere. and i'm worry, because i like to talk about Russian volleyball, but nobody from Russia talks with me and other users...
but Połtawski in Jarosławicz plays great also. he is the best scorer now in league.
who do you think is better, Makarow or Butko? Pawłow or Połtawski? and why wasn't Butko last season in Russian NT? Makarov was better or he was injuried, or something?
music is awesome, great video;) ps. don't you know who was MVP of this match? co do tych nowych moltenów - nigdy nimi nie grałem. najczęsciej gram starymi moltenami (szkoła) albo nowymi mikasami. ogólnie to te molteny takie jakieś twardsze są;d
najlepsze dwie czapy Rucego na Moźdżonie. a ten atak Łomacza lewą ręką... prawie jak Andre!;d
yeah, that's good that somebody made video from Russian Superlegue.
in Russia are few great teams - Novosybirsk, Odintsovo, Kazan, Moscow, Belgogrod. fight for medals will be very interesting.
and, if you want to watch matches form this league sometimes they are on there are also matches from Polish and Italian league (but to watching Serie A1 you have to register or something).

and don't you think it's sad that Łukasz Kadziewicz plays in Gazprom Ugra Sugrgut? he should play in some better club... don't you know why didn't he stay in Belgogrod?

a co do Santiliego - na pewniej stronie przeczytałem słynne jego powiedzenie : "so keep the ball high" kojarzycie? bo ja to bardzo dobrze pamiętam;d

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