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Nena, you are right. but, here is only one opposite Starovic, and four receivers Parodi, Savani, Zaytsev and Kovar. I think that Parodi, Savani and Zaytsev are sure, but it will be damage for Italian NT if for example Parodi does not play, most of the season.
man, this is Soviet Union not Russia? I am kidding ?
K-is-for-kate, I also remember Vladimir's Grbic words. he was saying, when you play against Russia you don't need to hitting ball with full strength, but need to play smart and patiently. against everyone you can hit ball with full strength, but against Russian giants if playing like that you're finished ?
men, it looks very impressive. Only problem of Russia is psychological. they look fantastic if we look psychical and technical side of volleyball. I was listening Serbian coach Kolakovic, and he say that only chance too play with Russia is that you must always be equal with them in result. in that case they feel pressure, because they not mental ready, and they often lose. That was Serbian tactic from last WCH and ECH.
It is gonna be very difficult to replace Omrcen. We will see... Starovic has a quality, everything depends on him.
I heard that Starovic gonna be first option at the opposite position in Macerata, instead of Omrcen. I am not sure that is the truth, it is only the rumor. If it is the truth first line- up for Macerata next year will be: Travica- Starovic, Zaytsev- Savani, Stankovic (Paenk)- Podrascanin.
of course, silver medal was fantastic success, for such a young team. for example imagine receive diagonal Juantorena- Leon, or Sanchez- Leal...
so Bulgaria will play with strongest team. I will put Ananiev in the first 6 instead of Alexiev, and Sokolov instead of Nikolov at the opposite position. and that will be it ?
I am very big fan of Cuban volleyball, so I think this is great move for Trentino, if it is truth of course. like Revan says Cuban for Cuban. Imagine situation were Juantorena playing for Cuban NT... I think in that case Cuba with Brazil will probably be the best team in the world. after all, last WCH shows Cuban power?
no, he will not play in Sofia.
if Leal comes to Trentino, and if Kaziyski stay, Trentino will be the strongest, in my opinion.
Ivan will play at the Olympics, if Serbia qualified. This is the politic of Serbian federation, that in WL play younger players, because WL use to prepare NT for the most important competitions like: ECH, WCH and OG. They work very well, so that is the reason why Serbia have great results.
for example, in this team, they have 3 very young setters: Mitic (21), Jovovic (18) and Brdjovic (17). thats is the capital for the future for shure.
Papi is back! great news. he is a volleyball legend.
very strong team. In my opinion, if we look only players, Poland and Russia are the best teams in Europe. after those two teams coming Italy, Serbia, Bulgaria and France. But, best not always win, and that is a beauty of volleyball.
Yes, Henrique, Suzano. I was typing too fast, and I wrote it like we sad on our language :) he also was talking about special treatments with needles I think for recovering players in Brazil.
I mean everything is a great, atmosphere, players... It is a pleasure for us vball fans that volleyball is so popular in such a big country like Brazil :) I remember when Vladimir Grbic was talking about Brazilian league. he said that was incredible experience for him, and it was fantastic to play. He was playing in Susan Report in 1996/1997 season.
for me, Brazilian league is most beautiful, and most attractive league in the world, for watching :)
ok. I will try to find at the google, maybe I get something.
Is it possible? great champion, great player... rest in peace Vigor.
Ray from which site I can download vball games, except rutracker is very good, but they don't have too many matches from for example '90 and '80 :)

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